Neurosurgery & Orthopedic Surgeons in Jacksonville

5 Treatments for Managing Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis tends to worsen over time and may eventually cause unrelenting pain, muscle weakness, and difficulty standing or walking. Our specialty team shares facts about tackling spinal stenosis before it interferes with your daily routine.
You can rely on the team at Integrity Spine & Orthopedics in Jacksonville, Florida, for top-level neurosurgery and general orthopedic care that’s always patient-focused. Spinal stenosis is an unfortunately common disorder that you can’t always avoid. However, there is much you can do to counter its impact on your health and mobility.
We’re happy to provide information about spinal stenosis and five treatments we offer that reduce its effects on your life.
Understanding spinal stenosis
Your spine is a highly complex structure with limited space for the bones, nerves, ligaments, discs, and joints it contains. Spinal stenosis occurs when the compact areas through which spinal nerves travel narrow. Stenosis may squeeze nerve roots as they exit the spine through tiny openings (foramen) in the vertebrae or narrow the spinal canal through which the spinal cord runs.
The reduced space compresses and inflames involved nerves, leading to pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness that can travel from the spine into your arms, shoulders, hips, or legs.
A traumatic injury can lead to spinal stenosis. However, the condition is most often related to degenerative changes that may include:
- Herniated discs
- Osteoarthritis
- Degenerative disc disease
- Thickening and stiffening of spinal ligaments
- Bone spur formation
Moderate to severe scoliosis, kyphosis, and other conditions that affect spinal alignment can also cause spinal stenosis. Fortunately, your Integrity Spine & Orthopedics team offers treatments that prevent spinal stenosis from compromising mobility and overall quality of life.
Five treatments for managing spinal stenosis
At Integrity Spine & Orthopedics, we develop customized treatment strategies based on your evaluation results, including diagnostic imaging studies that identify the cause and location of spinal stenosis. When tackling spinal stenosis, our team focuses on your current symptoms and the underlying condition. We’re also committed to providing nonsurgical solutions whenever possible.
Your spinal stenosis treatment plan may include the following:
1. Physical therapy
Physical therapy for spinal stenosis focuses on strengthening core muscles that support the spine’s structural stability. Posture correction, deep tissue massage, and flexibility training are important components of a guided program that helps restore spinal alignment.
2. Activity modification
Routine exercise is an essential element of stenosis management. Low-impact activities such as biking, swimming, and walking get the job done while reducing stress on your spine.
Our team also provides guidance regarding back-friendly changes you can make in your daily routine that help reduce the symptoms of spinal stenosis. For instance, changing your purse style or lifting techniques when carrying groceries or other household items may help.
3. Home care
Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, heat to reduce muscle or joint discomfort, and other self-care measures can alleviate spinal stenosis symptoms. A healthy diet and weight loss may also be part of your treatment strategy.
4. Injection therapy
Corticosteroids injected near the affected spinal nerve can reduce inflammation, pain, and irritation. These in-office injections are quick and painless. Symptom relief can last several months, often providing the time you need to restore spinal health with physical therapy and other conservative treatments.
5. Minimally invasive spine surgery
If conservative treatments don’t adequately relieve your symptoms, your Integrity Spine & Orthopedics specialist may recommend minimally invasive surgery as a more definitive treatment option for herniated discs, bone spurs, or other conditions causing spinal stenosis. Smaller incisions and reduced tissue trauma associated with minimally invasive procedures lead to faster healing and recovery than traditional spine surgery.
You don’t have to live with back pain. Instead, schedule an evaluation at Integrity Spine & Orthopedics. Call the office or request an appointment online today.